This blog is cited in the excellent book of Wes McKinney: “Python for Data Analysis” (eds.O’Reilly)! Oh yeah! I’m proud! Thanks Wes!

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
This blog is cited in the excellent book of Wes McKinney: “Python for Data Analysis” (eds.O’Reilly)! Oh yeah! I’m proud! Thanks Wes! has been updated to WordPress 3.5 and while the previous theme is still compatible with this new version, I’ve decided to switch to the very clean TwentyTwelve theme. This theme is completely responsive, so the site is now viewable…
I’m reallllly happy to say that from now on, Dimitri Kusters will also post snippets of code related to his PhD research on this Blog! Welcome!
Vanavond om 20:38, een aardbeving vond plaats in West-Vlaanderen. Het werd gevoeld door de bevolking in de dorpen van Ruddervoorde, Zedelgem en misschien zelfs tot Brugge. Iedereen die heeft het gevoeld is uitgenodigd om de enquête in te vullen op…
Everyone used to search for code snippets on the web know the importance of a “Gallery” linking to all examples and tutorials… So, here is my really ugly Gallery :
Dear visitors, I’m always searching new ideas of preparing new tutorials for things doable with Basemap, but I’d like these examples to be as useful as possible, which means : If you have something you would like to appear here,…
Don’t be scared, you are on ! I’m just trying some new themes for this blog/website. I want to make it more readable, but also easier to search/scroll. I kinda like this “eos” theme, the “content” column is nice…
Premier billet de “Gé”, où je publierai des informations en relation avec la Géophysique, les méthodes de prospection, leur théorie, des exemples de codes informatiques de traitement de données scientifiques, … Un premier code python pour démarrer : print “Hello…