10 months ago, I published the updated version of my tutorial to pack an Enthought TraitsUI based application inside an .exe Windows Executable file, using a standard Python 2.7 install and the Enthought Tool Suite 4.0 (ETS4.0). In April 2013,…

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
10 months ago, I published the updated version of my tutorial to pack an Enthought TraitsUI based application inside an .exe Windows Executable file, using a standard Python 2.7 install and the Enthought Tool Suite 4.0 (ETS4.0). In April 2013,…
While in Indonesia last July, I created a small tool for the Kawah Ijen observers to allow them to search and plot teleseismic events and to calculate theoretical arrival times of the waves at the Ijen stations. It took roughly…
In October 2010, I published a small tutorial on how to build a .exe Windows executable for ETS (Enthought Tool Suite) 3.5.0 -based applications. Today, I present the edited version of the setup script, to match the new Enthought Namespace…
[DEPRECATED if you use ETS 4.0 — see the new version] So, guys, today is a great day, BIG news : I succeeded packaging an Enthought Traits UI script inside a standalone package. Keys to remember: To get things to…
Great news from last week : ETS 3.5.0 is out ! Note the change in the source-download process.. Now using an unique ets.py file instead of the ProjectTools ! http://blog.enthought.com/open-source/enthought-tool-suite-3-5-0-released/ http://www.optiniche.com/blog/117/wordpress-trackback-tutorial/
I finally managed to install Enthought Python Distribution on my Windows 7 64bit box. In fact, I installed EPD 32bits (I’m a student, the academic licence is free). So, the solution was in the Mailing List Archive (enthought-dev) : Disable…